Growing pose - ability

yoga DNA is a collaboration of yoga enthusiasts sharing higher-level learning with practitioners around the globe



Retreats with Ty Chandler & Sharoni Fixler

April event with Jawahar Bangera.

Iyengar yoga class conducted by senior teacher Jawahar Bangera at Kaivalyadham in mumbai.
"Approach the practice like a lab. A place you come to study." - Eyal Shifroni A 4-part series of interviews with Eyal Shifroni. Eyal is a world-renowned sen...
"I think it's a very interesting subject to use yoga to explore these connections between body and mind." - Eyal Shifroni A 4-part series of interviews with ...
"What is so beautiful about Yoga is that no matter what mood you start the practice in, if you bring yourself to practice and after 1.5-2 hours of session, y...
"When you open the body with support, like a bolster, viparita dandasana bench or setu bandha, the mind can come in the body and rest, this is very helpful, ...

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videos & topics of interest

In this interview, Guruji BKS Iyengar recounts the evolution of what we now call as "Iyengar" Yoga - the science , the art and the philosophy and the future ...
In this lesson, we learn that asanas are not merely postures and how each asana has a specific effect on the body, the breath and the mind; asanas bring abou...
Yoga is a subject about education about oneself. it is a mirror for understanding oneself. We are supposed to be knowers of the ksetra [field] which is our s...
The third lesson in this series talks about how one evolves from doing a posture to a yogasana. A posture only involves body culture but in a yogasana, the b...
This lesson reveals how Patanjali did not suggest moral-ethical norms to be followed, nor did he suggest that they are the first step to yoga. Then, why has ...
This lesson has two topics. First there is a deeper understanding of yama and niyama as vows or anushthana and not just moral-ethical principles. Second, he ...
In this lesson there is a delineation of how the concept of hiṁsā stands differently from the way it is understood in the social context. With regards to mor...
When ethical principles are applied to others in society, they have a different fabric; they are considered as moral-ethical principles. But in a condition w...
This lesson aims to highlight how postures are not yoga. Postures are major requisition for asanas, however they are not asanas by themselves. This is a prac...
This lessons starts with emphasis on the understanding that meditation is not dhyana. The meditation that is being discussed is dynamic meditation and dynami...
“Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.”

— bks iyengar